Friday, May 17, 2013

The Portable Pediatrician by Dr. Laura Nathanson

The Portable Pediatrician, Second Edition: A Practicing Pediatrician's Guide to Your Child's Growth, Development, Health, and Behavior from Birth to Age Five 

by Dr. Laura Nathanson


This was my favorite (and most valuable) book when I became a first-time parent.  I found it very useful during those early years, frequently referring back to it.  Our new copy became very worn out over the years.  It also covers nutrition recommendations with the reasons why pediatricians recommend those.  A lot has probably changed for new infant sleep apnea monitors, vaccinations now available (chickenpox, rotavirus/RV5 or RV1, pneumococcal conjugate/PCV vaccinations), but the parenting, nutrition and development information is still valuable for parents of fives and under.  Dr. Nathanson writes in an engaging, accessible manner, making the book highly readable.  She discusses her own challenges as a mother (e.g. putting limits on fruit juice for one of her sons), and especially as a working mother (helping your childcare provider with limiting their fruit juice intake, for instance).  

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